These Are Some Best Fruit and Veggie Skins to Eat

You might be quick to peel away the skins of your favorite fruits and vegetables to get to that delicious, juicy flesh inside. But that cast-aside outer layer is a treasure trove of nutrients, vitamins, and fiber and adds some delightful texture and depth of flavor to meals

You might be quick to peel away the skins of your favorite fruits and vegetables to get to that delicious, juicy flesh inside. But that cast-aside outer layer is a treasure trove of nutrients, vitamins, and fiber and adds some delightful texture and depth of flavor to meals.
Many fruits’ and vegetables’ skins, peels, and rinds “are rich in fiber and additional nutrients like potassium and magnesium, enhancing the nutritional value of your diet,” Michelle Routhenstein, RD, a preventive cardiology dietitian, told Verywell.

We asked dietitians about their favorite produce skins to eat, along with what sort of health benefits they offer. Here are the fruit and veggie peels that can help you get some extra nutrition and create less food waste.

Not All Fruit and Veggie Peels Safe to Eat
Not all produce skins are safe to eat. For example, mango skin contains urushiol, the same compound found in poison ivy, which can trigger allergic reactions in people who are susceptible. The skin of some exotic fruits, such as lychee, contains toxins that can be harmful if ingested.

“I love eating the whole kiwi fruit, including the fuzzy skin, as it doubles the amount of fiber and provides extra doses of essential nutrients like vitamin E, C, and polyphenols,” said Routhenstein.

There’s some research to back up claims about the health benefits of kiwi skin. A 2020 study looked at the effects of eating three SunGold kiwifruits—the variety with smooth skin and gold-colored flesh—both with and without the skins. Eating the skin of the kiwi appeared to result in lower inflammation and beneficial effects on gastrointestinal health.1
“Tomato skins are rich in the antioxidant lycopene, which helps boost collagen and protect against sun damage, leaving skin more smooth and youthful,” Wan Na Chun, RD, owner of One Pot Wellness based in Indianapolis, told Verywell.

Tomato skin has 2.5 times more lycopene than the pulp.2 When it comes to micronutrients, the skin also offers plenty, including zinc, manganese, and copper.3
“Though typically not eaten in large amounts, I love incorporating the zest from citrus peels (oranges, limes, lemons) in non-alcoholic beverages and dishes,” Kat Garcia-Benson, RDN, told Verywell. “The zest not only enhances the flavor profile but also can unify the entire meal and add a little more nutrients.”

Eating citrus peels is considered a nutritious choice because they contain high concentrations of fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants. The peel packs more fiber than the fruit inside, which helps with digestion and promotes gut health.
Additionally, citrus peels are rich in vitamin C and various bioflavonoids, which have anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties. Citrus peels also possess antioxidants that help fight free radicals, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and boost skin health.

“Potato skins are another nutritional powerhouse, containing higher levels of vitamin C, potassium, folate, magnesium, and phosphorus compared to the peeled potato,” Chrissy Arsenault, RDN, a registered dietitian at Trainer Academy, told Verywell. “They also provide additional fiber, contributing to gut health and satiety.”
Can I Eat Green Potato Skin?
Look at the color of a potato’s skin carefully. Green potatoes contain solanine, a natural toxin that can cause nausea, headaches, and in severe cases, neurological problems.7

Arsenault said that carrot skins are a nutritional powerhouse that you shouldn’t overlook.
“These skins are rich in fiber, antioxidants like beta-carotene and polyacetylenes, and other beneficial phytonutrients. Beta-carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A, is crucial for maintaining healthy vision, skin, and immunity,” she said. Antioxidants in carrot skins may help protect your cells from damage, potentially reducing the risk of chronic disease and even cancer.8

Among various fruit peels that are consumable, the apple peel stands out as one of the most beneficial to include in your diet. It’s a great source of vitamins and minerals, most notably vitamin C and potassium, which are essential for overall health.

Apple peels are also packed with a high concentration of fiber, contributing to better digestion and weight management. They also contain important antioxidants and plant compounds (like quercetin, catechin, and chlorogenic acid) that may help prevent chronic diseases and promote heart health.9

The skin of grapes is a rich source of antioxidants, including resveratrol, anthocyanins, and flavonoids. These compounds are known for their ability to fight oxidative stress and reduce inflammation in the body.