How to Reduce Side effects of most commonly used Drugs

“For every drug that benefits a patient, there is a natural substance that can achieve the same effect.”

“For every drug that benefits a patient, there is a natural substance that can achieve the same effect.”

Then why is it that drugs have become our first choice and not herbs? Well, the answer is obvious, in today’s fast-paced life we all want immediate results and while, some herbs do give immediate results for simple ailments, more serious ailments call for a longer treatment with herbs which most people don’t have the patience for. Also, at times the harm done is so extensive that we do need immediate results.

But, the biggest problem with allopathic medicines is their side effects, they might cure your ailment, but they more often than not, leave you with another one, resulting in the Doctor prescribing you another drug to reduce the side effect. This can sometimes become a vicious cycle.

From my personal experience, I understand that even though medication, long-term or temporary, sometimes is a necessity but, having further prescription drugs to counter the side effects of medications can usually be avoided by adopting simple home remedies instead.
So what are the most commonly occurring side effects of most allopathic medications?

Hyperacidity, constipation, diarrhoea, nausea, Abdominal cramps, water retention, oral ulcers, weight gain, weight loss, bone and joint pains, hair fall, High blood pressure, liver toxicity, kidney toxicity, drowsiness and, even hallucinations.
So let us learn a few tips to keep in mind whenever on medication.

۱. Know your medicine– don’t blindly accept whatever the Doctor has prescribed, without counter questions. Inquire about the side effect so that you are aware if it ever occurs, check the dosage too, and always make sure to ask your Doctor for the minimum dose required.

۲. WATER, WATER, WATER– Keep yourself hydrated, side effects occur because all oral medicines affect our whole body and not just the affected part. So drinking adequate water helps in flushing out the toxins present in drugs.

۳. Supplementation – Most drugs along with the ailment deplete our body’s vitamin and mineral stores, in turn leading to the side effects. So, why not replenish our vitamin stores instead of treating the symptom alone. Supplementation also helps in a quicker recovery.
Now; I know what my colleagues would be thinking “How can a nutritionist say take supplementation, instead of trying to get essential micronutrients through food?? “

Yes, like most nutritionists I do agree that healthy eating can keep giving us all the essential micronutrients that we need and that supplementation gives us synthetic vitamins and minerals which are not equally effective. But, the rules are changed when on medication, and to make up for the fast depletion and to prevent simple side effects, supplementation is key.