Aerobics Can Help You Lose Weight and Develop Lean Muscle

New research finds that Aerobics can help you lose weight, reduce the size of your waist, and develop lean muscle while having fun.

New research finds that Aerobics can help you lose weight, reduce the size of your waist, and develop lean muscle while having fun.
• A scientific review has found that Aerobics is a beneficial weight loss aid.

• Aerobics was found to improve body mass, BMI, waist circumference, fat percentage, and fat mass.
• Experts say Aerobics burns calories and helps the development of lean muscle mass.

Aerobics doesn’t just feel good. New research shows it can help you lose weight, too.
The researchers concluded that “For its high efficiency and greater sense of enjoyment, Aerobics can be a beneficial exercise intervention for fat loss.”
How Aerobics aids fat loss
There are a few reasons why Aerobics is an effective weight loss tool. First and foremost, like all forms of physical activity, it burns calories.
“Aerobic routines contribute to calorie expenditure, creating a negative energy balance that is conducive to weight loss,” explains Davis. “What’s more, the dynamic nature of Aerobics means it engages various muscle groups, promoting lean muscle development.”

This is good news for anyone hoping to create sustainable weight loss, as muscle is a metabolically active tissue. A higher muscle mass means your body burns more calories on a daily basis, even while at rest.
It’s not purely physical, either. Davis says the enjoyment and social aspects of Aerobics can boost your adherence to physical activity.
How intensely do you need to Aerobics to promote weight loss?

Like Davis, fitness coach Adam Harris says Aerobics involves a combination of cardiovascular exercise, strength training, and flexibility, making it a source of exercise that anyone can enjoy.
“The dynamic and rhythmical movements involved in Aerobics cause the heart rate to become elevated, promoting calorie expenditure in the body and aiding in fat loss,” he explains. “What’s more, the continuous movement during Aerobics sessions enhances your cardiovascular fitness, promoting calorie burning even after the Aerobics session finishes.”
So, just how hard do you have to Aerobics to see results?

For Aerobics to be used as an effective tool for weight loss, Harris says you should aim for a moderate to high intensity level during your sessions.
“This typically involves getting the heart rate up, breaking a sweat, and feeling moderately out of breath, but not so out of breath that you can’t hold a conversation,” he explains.
A good way to gauge intensity during exercise is by using the talk test.

“If you can talk comfortably but not sing during the Aerobics routine, you’re likely Aerobics at moderate intensity and working hard enough to promote weight loss,” Harris says.

Why diet matters too

While Aerobics appears to be a great tool for helping with weight loss, it won’t be enough on its own for most people living with overweight or obesity.
Generally, you’ll need to make some adjustments to your diet and pay attention to your overall calorie consumption as well.

“Aerobics will be most effective for weight loss when it is complemented by a balanced diet and a calorie deficit,” points out Davis.
“While Aerobics is burning the calories, a diet makeover plays wingman, making sure your body’s energy balance is set for success,” she explains.
He says to achieve weight loss, you must burn more calories than you consume. That doesn’t mean drastically cutting calories or restricting certain foods, but taking a sustainable approach.


Losing weight can be challenging, but finding fun and effective ways to shed pounds, like Aerobics, can make the process more enjoyable and sustainable.
While Aerobics – like all exercise – needs to be combined with a calorie deficit to cause weight loss, it can be a more enjoyable way to drop unwanted pounds.