An Overview of Cat Allergies

Allergies to cats are fairly common, affecting around 20-30% of people who also have other types of respiratory allergies.1 A cat allergy can cause symptoms like red eyes and sneezing. These allergies can be triggered by direct exposure to cats or by indirect exposure through fabric or air.

Allergies to cats are fairly common, affecting around 20-30% of people who also have other types of respiratory allergies.1 A cat allergy can cause symptoms like red eyes and sneezing. These allergies can be triggered by direct exposure to cats or by indirect exposure through fabric or air.

You may notice a cat allergy based on the timing of your symptoms. Sometimes, getting medical anti-allergy treatment can help. But avoiding the cat may be necessary.


You can experience symptoms of a cat allergy right when you enter into a room or home where a cat lives. Or the effects can begin after you spend several hours in the area or with the cat.
A cat allergy can produce upper respiratory symptoms or may affect your skin.2

Common effects of a cat allergy can include:3
• Sneezing
• Red, itchy, or watery eyes
• A runny or stuffy nose
• Coughing
• Sore throat
• A skin rash, redness, or itching
• Wheezing
Many people who have asthma can develop an asthma attack triggered by cat exposure.4


While it is rare, swelling of the face, throat, or any part of the body can develop due to a cat allergy.3 If you develop swelling or become short of breath, seek medical attention immediately.


You don’t need to have close contact with a cat to develop allergic symptoms. Some people can have the effects of a cat allergy after coming into contact with fabric, such as a blanket or clothing, that was touched by a cat.2 And you may even develop symptoms from breathing air in an area where a cat lives.
Cat allergies are triggered by cat hair, skin, saliva, sweat, urine, blood, and dander.6 Cat dander is a tiny material shed by cats. The dander is airborne and sticky. The size of the cat dander particles is extremely small and it is inhaled deep into the lungs.
Dander can be present in public places, even where there are no cats—because it can be carried on the clothing of people who have cats and then shed in public places.7
Cat dander is a common cause of allergic asthma, and cat owners who are allergic to cats are more prone to the development of asthma symptoms.8


Allergens are harmless substances that trigger an allergic reaction. Several proteins that are produced by cats, including Fel d 1, Fel d 4, and albumin have been identified as cat allergens.9
Cat allergens are produced in large amounts and are very potent. Cat allergens are partially under hormonal control. They are more prominent in male non-neutered cats.10 However, female and male neutered cats still produce significant allergen, and people with cat allergies typically notice symptoms around them as well.

Infections Caused by Cats

Allergies are a manifestation of the immune system’s over-reaction to a non-infectious substance. But you can also get an infection due to cat exposure, such as ringworm, or an infection due to a cat scratch.1213
A parasitic infection caused byToxoplasma gondii (T. gondii) is spread by cat feces. This parasite is very dangerous for pregnant women because it can cause birth defects.14
Infections caused by cats are different than allergies.


You may be able to tell that you have a cat allergy based on the timing of your symptoms. If you start to cough, sneeze, feel itchy, or develop a rash right after visiting your friend who has a cat, then you might have an allergy to the cat.15
Sometimes it can be difficult to know that a cat allergy is causing your symptoms, especially if you live with the cat. While some people are allergic to all cats, you might be allergic to a cat even if you have not had allergies to other cats in the past—this can make the effects hard to figure out.

A Word From Verywell

You may be disappointed to discover that you have a cat allergy. Parting with a beloved cat can be sad. There have been some cats labelled as hypoallergenic, but people can develop reactions even to these breeds. Researchers continue to explore ways to make cats less allergenic, including vaccinations and certain diets; to date, these have not proven to be effective.
Keep in mind that even if you are allergic to one cat, you might not be allergic to all of them.